We envisage a future of healthy rivers and clean air. Farms teaming with wildlife and nutritious food. A future where farmers are adequately supported to grow food, without it costing the earth. Where pavement plants in towns and cities are appreciated for their beauty as well as providing habitats for our insect friends. A future where children’s play areas are free of toxic chemicals, and we can shop for affordable, healthy food without worrying about a cocktail of chemicals on our plate.

Picking an apple from a tree
Tackling pesticides for a healthy future


We need joined-up thinking that links agriculture to health, lifestyle, food and environment. We see civil society organisations from across these sectors working collaboratively for positive change. We envisage agroecology adopted across the UK creating a more sustainable farming system, including widespread adoption of nature-based Integrated Pest Management. We see an agricultural system that is supported by broader research and evidence on sustainable crop production. A system governed by policies and regulations based on the precautionary principle, offering the best possible protection for human health and the environment. Farmers will be happy and prosperous with support that enables them to champion reduced pesticide use. The public has access to safe and affordable food and are able to make informed consumer decisions within transparent supply chains.